About Freemasonry
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Links, News and Blogs
The Almoner's Note Book
The Web Master's Blog
Keynsham Masonic Hall
The Masonic Wall Plaques
Lodge history
WCY Chp 1 - 17
WCY - Chp 2, Eps 31 - 60
WCY - Chp3, Eps 61 - 90
WCY - Chp 4, Eps 91 - 120
WCY - Chp 5, Eps 121 - 150
WCY - Chp 6, Eps 151 - 180
WYC - Chp 7, Eps 181 - 210
WCY - Chp 8, Eps 211 - 240
WCY - Chp 9, Eps 241 - 270
WCY - Chp 10, Eps 271 - 300
WCY - Chp 11, Eps 301 - 330
Whence came you - Chapter 12, Episodes 331 - 360
Whence came you - Chapter 13, Episode 361 - 390
Whence came you - Chapter 14, Episode 391 - 420
Whence came you - Chapter 15, Episode 421 - 450
Whence came you - Chapter 16, Episode 451 - 480
Whence came you - Chapter 17, Episode 481 - 510
WCY Chp 18 - 22
Whence came you - Chapter 19, Episode 541 - 570
Whence came you - Chapter 20, Episode 571 - 600
Whence came you - Chapter 21, Episode 601 - 630
Whence came you - Chapter 22, Episode 631 - 660
Whence came you - Chapter 23, Episode 661 - 667
Meetings & Events
Contacts & How to find us
Hover over a plaque to see a brief explanation
Plaque 1: Fifteen Fellowcrafts appointed to preside over the rest, conspiring to obtain the secrets of a Master Mason; twelve of which recanted, leaving three of a more determined and atrocious nature than the rest.
Plaque 2: The first of those ruffians armed with a Plumb Rule accosting our Master in an attempt to obtain the secrets of a Master Mason by any necessary means; even to have recourse to violence.
Plaque 3: A depiction of the second ruffian after having been refused the secrets of a Master Mason, striking our Master a glancing blow to the left temple with a Level which caused him to reel and sink on his right knee.
Plaque 4: A representation of the third ruffian, having had his insolent demands refused by our Master, striking him a violent blow to the forehead with a heavy Maul, which laid him lifeless at his feet.
Plaque 5: The overseers coming before King Solomon to acquaint him with the utter confusion into which the absence of our Master had plunged them.
Plaque 6: The fifteen trusty Fellowcrafts, formed into three Fellowcraft Lodges departing from the three entrances of the Temple, to ascertain whether our Master was yet alive, or had suffered death in an attempt to extort from him the secrets of his exalted degree.
Plaque 7: One of those Fellowcraft Lodges, having discovered the body of our Master very indecently interred, stuck a sprig of Acacia at the head of the grave to distinguish the spot.
Plaque 8: Our Master being raised from a figurative death to reunion with the former companions of his toils, while others more animated, uttered those ancient words.
Plaque 9: The third of those Fellowcraft Lodges having discovered the three ruffians responsible for the death of our Master hiding in a cave.
Plaque 10: King Solomon sentencing the three ruffians to that death the heinousness of their crime so amply merited.
View down the Temple towards the Senior Warden from the Worshipful Master's chair
View up the Temple towards the Worshipful Master from the Senior Warden's chair